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  • SEATS TWO, for solo piano, is inspired by the black-and-white film of the same title by Franz Zwartes. In the film Seats Two (1970) two women, Zwartjes' regular actresses Moniek Toebosch and Trix Zwartjes, are sitting side by side on on a couch, looking at a photo of a mountain landscape. The physical attraction between the two is clearly perceptible, but the two conceal their mutual craving. Sexuality is suggested through the odd cuts and splices of the film's editing and the tactile quality of the images. All is suggested, but nothing happens. Fascinated by the highly rhythmic nature of the films, and the obscured narratives, Seats Two is George's 5th work inspired by the cinematic projects by Frans Zwartjes. Her other compositions include Spare Bedroom, Spectator, Sorbet III, and A Fan which have been performed both by Ensemble Mise-en and The Curiosity Cabinet. 

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